Beautiful lies, ugly truths

Do we set our beautiful lies on ugly truths, like bleach on porcelain? Or do our beautiful lies hold hands with ugly truths like a child’s game of ring-a-ring-a-roses?

Kenwalt50 ( says ‘Many of the greatest lies are truth and many of the greatest truths are lies. I began “writing” as a child, lonely and unable communicate as effectively with others as I could with myself, so I created fantasies. My stories allowed me to go anywhere and be anyone. These were “lies,” but the truth of them moulded me. The “truths” were the limits on me and on everyone–we cannot be everything we imagine ourselves to be. Only imagination can break the walls of truth.’

A beautiful lie is the bluff. Countered by an ugly truth, the royal flush.

We learn when we confront beautiful lies and ugly truths alike.

Write here, right now


Our page and our screen is our mirror of the World we observe. Our pen and our keyboard, is the part of ourselves we pour into the story.

Practice makes perfect. But the more you observe and truly understand the better the writing will become?

The best writers raise the best questions for the reader to answer.

The London Underground on a late Saturday Night

Girls dressing with their skin out,

Wanting fun and adoration,

Love and fun, fun and luck,

Talking to strangers like they would never do during rush hour.


Am I judging them? Hell no.

Observation, always better than indifference.

Is the human way.


Life in most of its social forms,

Happens on the Underground.

More genuine than any club or party,

The journey, over the destination.


The write stuff

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Good writing is a marriage of clear and clean. Clear head and clean heart.

Good writing is the gatecrasher to the Establishment party. It seizes its chance and displays just enough spirit to make its mark, but keep everyone’s attention.

Good writing is an ancient matchmaker, brokering the partnership between reluctant genius and spirited character.The writing matchmaker does its work with a slight smile and a pounding heart.

The write blog

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If you would not be forgotten, as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write things worth reading, or do things worth the writing. —Benjamin Franklin

When is a good time to write? Write about now.

Right about what you know? Write about what you know.

The four shades of writing

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The blog creeps up and throws pebbles on the window of a fair and beautiful poem. The blog is impetuous and brash. Confident and brazen. The poem patient, tender and romantic.

The blog does its utmost to standing in shadows when the lights come on and the play emerges with fury onto the porch. The novel stands behind, verbally prodding the play into action.

Everyone stops to take a breath. The deep inhalation of the idea. The gentle exhale of the message.

Time ticks by at a different rate for everyone. Hearts beat. Chapters unfold and pages turn in their grave. Scenes and seasons change. They all feel and argue the right of passage.

The blog wonders how the story will end. He might be the new kid on the block, but he figures he’s won the poem’s heart and the reader’s vote. The jury is out for the poem. The novel has gone back to bed. The play may have closed the front door, but still paces the passageway. How will the story end?


It’s bedtime and I don’t have the write time.

It’s bedtime and my body wants my mind to sleep.

It’s bedtime and my senses wander into the horizon.


What’s a blog and what’s a photo?


A blog is past, present and future. A photo can freeze present and hold a personal connection with the past.

A blog nudges someone (the writer) to pluck invisible text out of a language and create a visible passage. A photo is a scene that says ‘take me now!’

Both use their own devices – grammar and spelling, focus, depth of field and speed.

A bunch of photos can be a blog, but a bunch of blogs can’t be a photo.

Both can show beauty, brevity, complexity or horror. From the same person, they can have the same style. Or not.

A series of photo’s might become a movie. A series of books might become a series of movies.

A photo can sum up a thousand words. And a blog can sum up a thousand photos.

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